Witmotion IMU Library  1.3.1~dev_4684448
Open source UART communication library for sensor devices manufactured by WitMotion Shenzhen Co.,Ltd


As the library relies on Qt backend, Qt5::QSerialPort package or the proper Qt >= 5.2 installation and CMake are required to build the library. In Debian-based distributions all the required software could be installed with the following command:

sudo apt install gcc g++ build-essential libqt5serialport5-dev cmake


The typical build script for the library looks like the following:

git clone https://github.com/ElettraSciComp/witmotion_IMU_QT.git witmotion-uart-qt
cd witmotion-uart-qt && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..


Since the installation scripts are WIP, there is no installation step needed to use the library. You can use the binaries placed in build subdirectory after successful call of make.