Witmotion IMU Library  1.3.1~dev_4684448
Open source UART communication library for sensor devices manufactured by WitMotion Shenzhen Co.,Ltd
Unified Witmotion communication protocol

The communication protocol for all known Witmotion IMU sensor devices is unified. It bases on TTL UART communication circuits. Please refer to official documentation for complete description. UART initiates connection on the baudrate which should be already set in the sensor's memory.

Connection mode

Parameter Value QSerialPort config constant
Port mode Full Duplex QSerialPort::Direction::AllDirections
Start Bit 0 0x00
Stop Bit 1 QSerialPort::OneStop
Hardware Flow Control Off QSerialPort::FlowControl::NoFlowControl

Supported baud rates

The known sensors support the following baud rates (the non-standard rates unsupported in QSerialPort are noticed with italic):

  • 2400
  • 4800
  • 9600 (default for open-circuit devices),
  • 19200
  • 38400
  • 57600
  • 115200 (default for enclosed devices with built-in USB/TTL transceiver)
  • 230400
  • 256000
  • 460800
  • 921600
    The non-standard baudrated are not supported officially by QSerialPort backend. However, the official Windows controller application by Witmotion allows to set up the device with these values. If this would be occasionally done, the Qt backend cannot connect to the device, and the user is strongly advised to reduce baud rate via the same Windows controller application to 115200 baud manually before proceed.

Packet structures

The device throws out the data packets containing the measured values and accepts configuration packets to set up the parameters on-the-fly. The internal data representations for both types of packets are unified. For actual declarations refer to types.h header file.

Output data packet

The output data are organized in 11-byte sequential packets by the following principle:

Offset Length Description
0x00 1 Magic header key, WITMOTION_HEADER_BYTE
0x01 1 Data type ID, as defined in witmotion_packet_id. All supported packet IDs should be enumerated in witmotion_registered_ids list and described in witmotion_packet_descriptions map in types.h header file, otherwise the library will not consider it as available to support.
0x02 8 Payload. The payload is organized as sequential byte array wrapped into C-style union. It can store:
- 8 8-bit signed integers \( \left[ -127 ... 128 \right] \)
- 8 8-bit unsigned integers \( \left[ 0 ... 255 \right] \)
- 4 16-bit signed integers
- 2 32-bit signed integers
0x0A 1 Validation CRC. Calculated as a result of summation over all the bytes, not elements, as unsigned integers:
\( crc = \sum_{i=0}^{i < 10}\times\)reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(payload) + i

The data packet structure is internally represented by witmotion_datapacket structure.

Configuration data packet

Configuration packets are 5-bytes sequential structures organized as it is shown in the following table. CRC check is not implemented on the device.

Offset Length Description
0x00 1 Magic header key, WITMOTION_CONFIG_HEADER
0x01 1 Magic configuration packet ID, WITMOTION_CONFIG_KEY
0x02 1 Register ID, as defined in witmotion_config_register_id
0x03 2 Payload. The set of 1 or 2 values that should be set on the device, represented as two 8-bit or one 16-bit unsigned integer

The configuration packet has an internal representation in witmotion_config_packet structure.

Data decoding algorithms and decoder functions

The type-specific descriptions for payload components encapsulated in output data packet, are placed in witmotion_packet_id enumeration documentation. The component decoder functions and packet parsers are located in util.h header file. In the following table the actual measurements are enumerated with corresponding decoding rules and output types. The rules are defined here only for the cases when the special decoding is needed. Otherwise the values should be interpreted exactly as they are defined in witmotion_packet_id via direct copy.

Here and below, \( V \) is the measured value obtained from the device, \( D \) - decoded value, de-normalized from the sensor output.

Value Unit Decoding rule Output type
Acceleration \( m/s^2 \) \( D = 16\frac{V}{32768} \times 9.81 \) float
Angular velocity \( rad/s \) \( D = \frac{V}{32768} \times 2000 \) float
Euler angle \( deg \) \( D = \frac{V}{32768} \times 180 \) float
Temperature \( ^{\circ}C \) \( D = \frac{V}{100} \) float
Quaternion component \( D = \frac{V}{32768} \) float
Altimetry \( m \) \( D = \frac{V}{100} \) float
GPS coordinate, rough/degrees part \( deg \) \( D = \frac{V}{10^7} \) double-precision float
GPS coordinate, fine/minute part \( min \) \( D = \frac{V \mod 10^7}{10^5} \) double-precision float
GPS altimetry \( m \) \( D = \frac{V}{10} \) float
GPS angular velocity \( rad/s \) \( D = \frac{V}{10} \) float
GPS ground speed \( m/s \) \( D = \frac{V}{10^3} \) double-precision float
Some values like temperature, require different coefficients on different sensors. These values require linear calibration. If you encounter this situation, please do not hesitate to open an issue.