Witmotion IMU Library  1.3.1~dev_4684448
Open source UART communication library for sensor devices manufactured by WitMotion Shenzhen Co.,Ltd
Unified controller applications

These applications are convenience controllers allowing the user to determine the working mode and current setting of his Witmotion sensor device.

Message enumerator

The message_enumerator controller application is always built by default along with the library. It allows the user to capture and enumerate every output data packet produced by the sensor device connected to the given UART port. It tries to find if every incoming packet ID is registered in witmotion_registered_ids list. If the packet ID is found, the packet will be logged and mapped with the corresponding description string from witmotion_packet_descriptions table. After the program will be stopped by the user with Ctrl+C keystroke, all the captured packets will be enumerated with their descriptions, and the unknown IDs will be also reported and enumerated.


message-enumerator [options]


Name Default value Description
-h --help Displays unified QCommandLineParser help message
-b --baudrate 9600 Baudrate, the actual values are enumerated in QSerialPort::BaudRate:
- 1200
- 2400
- 4800
- 9600
- 19200
- 38400
- 57600
- 115200
-d --device ttyUSB0 Serial device file name within the /dev system directory
-p --poll 50 Rate [ms] on which the application polls the sensor to retrieve packets
-f --log-file Log file name. Instructs the application to record all the retrieved packets and report them into the specified file


The following example is retrieved using JY901B sensor with 20 Hz output frequency and enabled quaternion-based orientation encoding, connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 device endpoint on 9600 baud, and 50 ms polling rate. Measurement duration is about 10 sec.

message-enumerator --device ttyUSB0 --poll 50 --baudrate 9600
Press Ctrl+C to stop enumeration and see the report
Opening device "ttyUSB0" at 9600 baud
Instantiating timer at 50 ms
Closing TTL connection
Acquired at Fri, 24 Feb 2023 г. 16:47:22 CET
ID Qty Description
0x50 32 Real Time Clock
0x51 31 Accelerations
0x52 32 Angular velocities
0x53 32 Spatial orientation (Euler angles)
0x54 32 Magnetometer/Magnetic orientation
0x56 32 Barometry/Altimeter
0x59 32 Spatial orientation (Quaternion)
Unknown IDs: 0 [ ]
Total messages: 223